BCG metrix data tools are available to our clients and friends and other providers in SNF long-term care. These tools are for your use and are designed to assist in analysis and strategic planning. We welcome your feedback and look for more tools surrounding Medicare Part A, Medicare Advantage, PBJ and 5 Star. Please contact if you need additional information.

Medicare SNF Rate look up tables

The Medicare Rate lookup tables are driven by the Provider Name and Number. The rate calculations are estimates and may very slightly from your Medicare contractor calculations.

FY 2019 Medicare Rate Lookup Tables
FY 2018 Medicare Rate Lookup Tables
FY 2017 Medicare Rate lookup Tables

Medicare SNF Cost Report Data

BCG prepares about 160 Medicare cost reports for SNF’s (mainly Iowa and a few other states). This Peer Group data is from those reports for each of the most recent years. These reports are only for your comparative analysis. For more detailed information you can reach out to

2016 Medicare Peer Group Data
2015 Medicare Peer Group Data
2014 Medicare Peer Group Data
Sept 2017
Peer Groups Defined

Medicare Advantage Info

Medicare Advantage Plan utilization tables are updated quarterly. Please contact if you need additional information.

April 2019
Medicare Advantage Enrollment

Medicare SNF Provider Info

April 2019
Ownership Updated

PBJ Analytical Tool V 2.0

The tool can help you analyze your daily and weekly staffing patterns. Contact if you need help using this tool.

PBJ Submission Version 2.0

Nursing Home Data to CMS Tool

This is an xml converter designed for Uploading your data to the PBJ system. The design is intended for manual input to excel for your contractors or agency or other periodic corrections. There are instructions within these materials. If you have questions regarding its use you can contact

Choose Nursing Home File for Upload to CMS, file must be in Microsoft xlsx format.
Click here to download a Sample Excel File